3 oneshots :Story 1: DERIKETO NI KISU SHITE- When Suga realizes he's both shorter and heavier than Yoshinari, he's surprised. It's true their love life has slowed down lately. Can Suga diet the magic back into their relationship?Story 2: DERIKISU!- Suga is always impressed by Yoshinari's calm face. But beneath the surface Yoshinari's thoughts are far from calm.Story 3: IKENIE- Dim-bulb Suga is proud of his super smart boyfriend Yoshinari. But will a smarter Suga bring them closer together, or drive them further apart?
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Deri Kiss!
Synopsis Deri Kiss!
デリキス! ; デリケート に キスして ; デリケートにキスして (SHINSAIBASHI Parco) ; Delicate ni Kiss Shite ; Deri Kiss ; Deriketo ni Kisu Shite ; Derikisu ; Derikisu! ; Derikisu! ~ Ikenie
Shinsaibashi Parco
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School life
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